Abdominal Ultrasound

Veterinarian in Walker Valley, NY

Many pets can benefit from an abdominal ultrasound, but some owners might not understand this procedure. Here's a quick overview of abdominal ultrasound for pets, including what it is, how it's performed, and what conditions it can help diagnose! At Walker Valley Veterinary Hospital, our veterinarian in Walker Valley, NY, can help you determine if your pet might benefit from an abdominal ultrasound.

Abdominal Ultrasound

What Is Abdominal Ultrasound for Pets?

Abdominal ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves to create images of the organs and structures inside your pet's abdomen. This non-invasive procedure is similar to the ultrasound scans that humans often undergo during pregnancy. The same technology is used for both human and veterinary patients.

How Is Abdominal Ultrasound Performed on Pets?

During an abdominal ultrasound, our veterinarian will place your pet on their back on an exam table. Our veterinarian will then apply a special gel to their abdomen and use a handheld ultrasound probe to create the images. The entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes.

There is virtually no risk or discomfort associated with abdominal ultrasound, so sedation or anesthesia is usually unnecessary. However, some animals may need to be sedated if they are anxious or uncooperative.

What Conditions Can Abdominal Ultrasound Help Diagnose?

Abdominal ultrasound can be used to diagnose several conditions in pets, including:

  • • Kidney disease
  • • Liver disease
  • • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • • Cancer
  • • Pancreatitis
  • • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • • Bladder stones

An abdominal ultrasound can also be used to assess the health of a pet's organs before surgery. In addition, if your pet is suffering an emergency, such as bloat or intestinal obstruction, an abdominal ultrasound can be used to diagnose the problem and start treatment quickly.

How Can Our Veterinarian Help?

After your pet's ultrasound, our veterinarian will review the images and discuss the results. If your pet has a condition that requires treatment, we can develop a customized treatment plan to help get your furry friend back on the road to good health! In addition to using the ultrasound, our veterinarian may recommend other diagnostic tests, such as X-rays or blood work, to get a complete picture of your pet's health.

Your pet might need an abdominal ultrasound if they display symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, decreased appetite, or abnormal behavior. In addition, our veterinarian may recommend this procedure if your pet has been diagnosed with a condition that could benefit from abdominal ultrasound, such as cancer or gastrointestinal disease.

Find the Best Abdominal Ultrasound Services at Walker Valley Veterinary Hospital

If you think your pet might benefit from an abdominal ultrasound, talk to our veterinarian in Walker Valley, NY. We at Walker Valley Veterinary Hospital will help you determine if this procedure is right for your furry friend! Call us today at (845) 744-8605.

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